The updated version of WiFi Attendance app was launched on 10th December 2018 and it is vivacious.
We have implemented some amazing new features to make the app completely employee friendly.
The WiFi attendance was originally designed to make it easy for the employees to mark their attendance through personal mobile phones.
It aimed at making the employer’s job simple, thus helping him, easily monitor employee productivity and performance.
The latest edition includes the following features
The deductions menu is set to keep tab of unplanned leaves, early punch outs and missed punch. With this function, it is easy for the HR manager to check the number of hours the employee has not worked. This comes very handy especially while calculating monthly payroll.
Employee rewards are an innovative approach to foster employee engagement at workplace. There are three different stages of rewards- gold, bronze and silver.
The rewards can be assigned based on the clock-in clock-out time, performance, contributions to a certain project, overtime hours etc.
This feature makes it is easy for the manager and team mates to share documents with their respective teams. Personal documents specific to each employee can be shared in the personal section.
A trove of important details is discussed in stand up meetings every day. How often do we carry a notepad in such meetings?
Hardly! At times like these, the notes feature of the updated wifi attendance is at rescue. Employees can take notes of important things like points discussed at the meeting, weekly tasks etc with this new functionality.
The important notifications like holidays, events, company policy re-enforcements can be broadcasted using this feature.
Again in this case, the announcements can be shared between members of the team in a separate section and company announcements can be pushed into a different space common to all employees.
Any updates, documents and announcements received through the app will now be notified to the users in the notification panel. This ensures that none of the important notifications are missed out by any of the employees.
Other Face-lifts
The punch details page is revamped to give it a fresh feel and a vividly comprehensive look.
The summary features an overview of clock-in and clock-out information of an employee for a month. It includes number of working days, on time punch in, late punch in, early punch out and missed punches.
The Apply leave page is revamped to showcase a calculated account of the used and remainder of the number of casual leaves.
How our new features will be a boon to your business?
- Comprehensive exhibition of details drive a higher adoption rate
- Fosters team bonding and co-ordination for superior output.
- The on the go available details of daily work hours call for a constructive utilization of time.
- Keeping tab on the productivity and other dynamics affecting business is easier.
- Boost in employee engagement owing to implementation of persuasive “Rewards” feature.
- The HR workforce can now resort to other planning tasks instead of continuously dwelling over redundant employee monitoring.
To experience a whole new level of business benefits try our new WiFi attendance app at https://www.wifiattendance.com
Get complete overview on the pricing of the app at https://www.wifiattendance.com/pricing/