Working as a team is really important in any organization or business to get things done in minimal time with maximum efficiency. Even when the manager is responsible for the outcome of the project assigned to him, it is not practical for him to do everything alone.This is where ‘delegation of authority’ is important when the manager divides his tasks and power to his subordinates or team to meet the target on time.
When it comes to business organizations, delegation of authority power relates to the right of the manager to take timely decisions, give orders and allocate and utilize resources efficiently in order to accomplish the organizational objectives. Here we can have a look at how delegation of authority is beneficial to business.
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1.Good collaboration among team
Delegation paves the way for open communication and trust within the team. A good collaboration among team mates helps to get the job done smoothly.
As employees get a feel that they get some space to prove themselves or make some positive changes to the organization, they feel more important. This brings out the best in them.
2. Facilitates growth and expansion
With the right use of delegation, better expansion and growth of business activities can be facilitated. You can also see flexibility in organizational structure.
With the right use of delegation, better expansion and growth of business activities can be facilitated.You can also see flexibility in organizational structure.
In fact, more layers can be added to the existing structure of organization depending on the changing requirements. This even helps to screen out employees from executive level if they are found to be less productive or inefficient in handling activities at the lower level.
3. Benefit of specialization
In a dynamic environment, specialization in certain working area can bring in success.The role of managers is to share the responsibility or authority of certain work to individuals who are specialized in that.
That person might find it really easy to do it. So managers can tactfully share the work by considering the ability and knowledge of the team mates in a particular area.
4. Develops a positive business culture
Delegation boosts the overall team morale and productivity. It also helps the company to develop a set of highly-qualified employees, who can get the job done even in manager’s absence. As the work load is reduced, everyone in the team gets enough free time which promotes a positive working ambience.
Managers should assure proper communication and support as and when needed, but give them the space to work on their own. Micromanaging the delegated tasks can in fact kill the creativity and they just become mechanical replica of your role.
5. Builds team spirit
As bonding and mutual understanding takes a high when delegation of work to a group is promoted, it helps to build good team spirit. As they can work together to achieve a common goal, team spirit will be notably high and this paves the way for better productivity.
This also means that nobody needs to work alone with their limitations as they can help each reach targets with minimal effort.
6. Option for training and development
Delegation of authority also provides a platform for managers to provide training and development to their team. The team gets hands on experience in certain work areas and this gives them a good opportunity to showcase their skills and get better out of their efficiency.
Getting a chance to make crucial decisions based on their ability and knowledge also helps them to develop their managerial efficiency.
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7. Balance the workload
The key advantage of delegation is sharing the workload or responsibility with others so that managers will get some breathing space to do more productive works.
Fair distribution of work in fact enhances overall productivity as a team is working towards a common goal. Shouldering smaller responsibility with team mates help managers to focus on more important areas and decision making that affects positively in the company turn over.
They can enhance their managerial efficiency and effectiveness as they can invest more time on creative functions while sharing the routine natured works to less experienced team mates.
8. Opportunity to test employee skills
There is no better way to test the skill set of your employees. No written tests or planned practical tests can give you the actual results. Assessing how your delegates handle the role in the real life scenarios help you to assess their skills and study their limitations.
More than rating the performance, this in fact gives a room for improvement as you can arrange skill enhancement programs for your team.
Also delegation gives your team scope to analyze situations, think creatively, be more alert and become better decision makers.
9. Motivation for team
When you choose your team mate to hand over an important task, this is indirectly giving them a boost in motivation. They will get a feel that they are being recognized for their hard work and they feel important for the organization.
When he gets a feel that he is being trusted by management for higher level jobs and they rely on his abilities, it motivates him to work with better efficiency. This enables him to come out of the comfort zone and make better use of his abilities.
10. Give way for better organization
Delegation of authority can even serve as a basis when developing an organizational structure. The sharing of responsibility and authority can reflect on the number of layers that are present in an organization.
This can directly have an impact on the functioning of the enterprise and that is one main reason why management is very keen with this process.
Moreover, when work is properly shared among the right hands, top level managers can skip the direct interaction at the lower level. This helps them to shift their focus instead to organisation planning, leadership, and coordination.
11. Builds trust and understanding
This process simply means that the person in charge of some duty actually trusts someone else and their ability and reliability to get it completed on time. When you do this inside a team, this in fact leads to better understanding and trust within the process and team mates.
This is also an opportunity for managers to test the skill set of their colleagues as well as analyze their dedication and approach towards work. This helps them to make good decisions when it comes to promoting them to top levels or when allotting them a single handed project.
12. Quicker and better decision
The process of delegation can in fact help to push the decision faster and better. Even while being within the limitations, employees can make quick decisions within their specific area in a pretty quick time.
Rather than the top level managers, the employees who are working closely to the clients or field workers will have better information in hand and the decisions can be made without much effort.
They can even make better change of plans or strategies as and when the situation demands if they are given the power of decision making.
13. Gives scope for innovation
The right use of delegation of authority can also give way for more innovation. When certain individuals are given the right amount of freedom and powers, they can actually think differently and come up with interesting ideas.
Delegating the power to the right individuals can trigger innovation in the whole work space and they can contribute positive changes and out-of-the-box ideas within the organization.
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Of course, there are some disadvantages to take care of during delegation of authority such as misuse of power, delay in execution; low quality output due to poor coordination and failure of fulfilling the tasks.
Managers must make sure that such cons are avoided in the best ways possible and get the best out of the possibilities.
With better distribution of tasks, you can get the projects completed in the least possible time frame without compromising the quality.
In fact, the quality can be improved with right allocation of resources and by getting the service of specialists in certain tasks. Moreover, it is about how you can better mould your team and maintain a positive business culture.